Our Deepest Fear Is Not That We’re Inadequate.

Our Deepest Fear Is That We’re Powerful Beyond Measures.

– Marianne Williamson
Our Deepest Fear Is Not That We’re Inadequate.

Our Deepest Fear Is That We’re Powerful Beyond Measures.

– Marianne Williamson


I take on a limited number of private clients every year. If you are an entrepreneurial spirit trying to find out how to start your business and develop it up to 6 figures — you need a working strategy to develop your company further.

Whether you want to generate a steady income or you’re an Entrepreneur or Consultant that want to stand up in your own light, and are excited about leaving a strong legacy for your kids and grandchildren — then I can help you for sure. Contact me right away!

If you say Yes to any of these challenges? Then I can help you out. Please read about my two types of program offerings next.


  • Struggling to find out which path to choose for your career or business
  • Your team is not productive enough
  • Wanting to take your team from an employee mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset 
  • You feel and see a lack of team commitment  
  • Want to see more growth in your business in many areas?
  • The current financial situation is ok but wants to improve more
  • Difficulty retaining your clients
  • Wondering how to build a future-proof business
  • You know what you want, but not where to start
  • Conscious about your need for guidance and ready to start

Life Coaching.

(Dutch or English guidance)

Do you feel like you can not breakthrough and are in a vicious circle? A custom made personal coaching program to find your true essence might be what you need. Ichel uses several coaching methods to help you get the best out of yourself. You can choose between a 3, 6 or 12-month customized coaching program that starts upon request. All details about the programme are shared during a call! Ichel is ready to help you connect your dots, find your true essence, & start to bloom as you are supposed to as an (female) entrepreneur.


Are you interested in an in-company customized program? Get more details during a call!

Business Coaching.

(Dutch or English guidance)

Are you struggling with your business? Ichel delivers several GROW business programs. She will take a personal and strategic approach that first focuses on the causes of your current situation during these tailor-made programs. To do so, she started partnering with Get Responsive, together they developed and are offering an unique 10-week Power BI development program called GROW, to kickstart your own business around training and consultancy with Power BI. Since 2016 Microsoft’s Power BI has been the leading business intelligence solution, used by millions of professionals to turn data into insight quickly.

We will  add more in-house GROW coaching programs soon. Ask for more information!


Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.


Step 1: Take my Free 45-minutes Clarity session on appointment – Connect Your Dots.

A 45-minutes conversation focused on getting to know each other, find out what’s your challenge and a viable first-step to concretize your request for coaching.


Step 2: Mapping out key areas of your business

Find out what’s the cause of your current situation. You’ll be able to quickly map out key areas of your business like Motivation, Team, Finances, Product/Service, Health, and Processes – giving you clarity and effective blueprint to rely on and keep you accountable.


Step 3: Take action based on the plan to turn the table in your favor

Actions and accountability go hand in hand. If you take targeted actions and do not evaluate, then it’s of no use. We go for effectiveness and results in this step.


Step 4: Celebrate your results

Celebrating is the best thing you can do after hard work and achieving your wins. So go for it!